Abiko City Museum of Birds
Harmony among Birds and People!
Coot : Official Bird of Abiko City
Welcome to our museum!
Abiko City, located along the northern shore of scenic Tega Marsh, is striving to create an environoment where birds and people can co-exist in peaceful harmony. In this museum, you'll meet birds from Tega Marsh and around the world. You'll study the fascinating science of ornithology, and most of all, you'll come to realize the importance of coexistence among birds and people.
For technical assistance or questions about Bird Museum, call the phone number below.You may also fax us. Please send any comments or questions to us.
Thank you for choosing our museum!!
Abiko City Museum of Birds,
234-3 Khonoyama,Abiko,
Chiba 270-1145
Phone: +81(471)85-2212
Fax: +81(471)85-0639